The Haydon News was a monthly magazine published ten times a year by an editorial committee and delivered, free of charge, to all but the most distant households in the Parish of Haydon in the County of Northumberland, England

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In February 1979, The Haydon News began its life as our parish newsletter, being printed by The Friends of Haydon Bridge, and eventually evolving into a very professional, full colour, glossy parish magazine.  In the beginning it was a long laborious task of printing, collating and stapling each issue before it was delivered to every household by hand. This continued for many years, though the machinery became more modern and efficient, until eventually the task of printing was trusted to an online company who delivered 1100 copies of the completed magazine to a member of the HN committee, each month. They divided the copies into batches that were then delivered to approximately 40 distributors, who went out and delivered a copy to every household. It was a mammoth task.  It eventually became more and more difficult to recruit people to be part of the Haydon News Editorial Committee. We needed a chair, secretary, treasurer, editor – all crucial roles but the editor’s job was particularly taxing, taking many hours to sift through contributions and put each edition together. In December 2022 the publication ground to a halt, and despite many appeals for volunteers to join the committee and for an editor, we had to make the sad decision that its future, in its current format, was not feasible.  Earlier this year The HN was approached by the Haydon Bridge Development Trust who, as part of their ongoing plans, were keen to develop a village newsletter. After much discussion, an agreement was made to pass all remaining assets of The Haydon News onto the Development Trust, and for it to be used to preserve The Haydon News website and all back copies of The HN online, as well as for future communication initiatives in the community.  So, there we are! The Haydon News is no more but its history will live on and I’m sure that its offspring will grow and develop, serving the community well. Our best wishes go with it.  To every single person who has been involved with The Haydon News in its 43-year history – a HUGE thank you. You helped to create something wonderful, something to be very, very proud of. Gone but never forgotten! 

(Pauline Johnson Wallis, ex-Haydon News Committee Chair, September 2024)

Past editions are still available on this website.  The latest Parish Council information can be found Here


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